That's right! Beta Ray Blog just celebrated it's first anniversary of cosmic blogging! It was actually about a week ago, but I was a little busy moving across the country. So, as I eagerly await my copy of
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #3 to arrive, I will bide my time (and yours, lucky reader!) with a review of Power Pack #19, guest-starring Beta Ray Bill!

In this fabulously unexciting issue, The kids are worried about their mother, who is in the hospital after being injured during a fight with Kurse. Katie, a.k.a. Energizer decides to invite everyone she knows over for a surprise Thanksgiving Day party. But the other siblings of Power Pack find out about the party and are none too happy, especially Alex, a.k.a. Gee.

After a bunch of balloon related mishaps during the parade, including Katie and Franklin Richards commandeering and navigating a giant Mighty Mouse balloon towards her mother's hospital room across town, everyone eventually ends up at the party. Which turns out to be the saddest, most depressing party ever thrown since Chevy Chase's celebrity roast on Comedy Central.

Yeah, wow, let's be miserable together...thanks for inviting us Katie...uhh...

...Sooo, I guess it's too bad that Alex wont let you have that party after all, guess we'll be going...

Oh! Well. As long as it's a
misery party, let's boogie down!
I was mostly disappointed that Beta Ray Bill gets put front and center on the cover, and ends up getting to be in about five panels and serves mostly as Franklin Richards's mode of transportation. But at least he got to learn the true meaning of Thanksgiving...SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE!