With all the news coming out about the Avengers relaunch, I assumed we would get one new consolidated Avengers title, and for that matter, one team. Then Marvel announced
Secret Avengers, and they have yet to name the team members. OK, I get it. I guess. Get your mainstream team and then have a quirky "B-team" to play with and explore the darker or stranger corners of the Marvel Universe. But now, you've gone too far.
Marvel is also releasing a New Avengers title, which so far contains all the old "New Avengers", or as I like to call it, "everything that is wrong about the Avengers, Avengers." Why? Do people really want Spider-man and Wolverine on an Avengers team? I sure don't. Here I thought finally, we can return to some normalcy in the Avengers world. And what is the point of relaunching New Avengers with a new #1?
I say forget this. I'm still going to read Avengers #1. But I am officially fed up with Brian Michael Bendis now. Give me one, unified Avengers team and call it a day. WOLVERINE IS NOT AN AVENGER!