Obviously, the gauntlet has been thrown down. Now, I may be a little biased in my opinion of Beta Ray Bill, Marvel's horse-faced Scion of the Korbanites. The Thunder-god powered, Odin-enchanted-hammer wielding alien is one of my favorites. (See the title of this very blog) But what Kieron Gillen has done with Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #1 is challenge the very art form of comics itself in the realm of balls out awesome. This is what a comic should be: pure entertainment on a ridiculous level. Stopping tidal waves with brute force? Done. Bisection by the use of two black holes? Happens. (Well, almost happens.) Our title hero pounding the snot out of a Herald of Galactus like it ain't no thing? Of course, just a normal day at the office.

The story itself is a pretty good idea, though I'm sure the concept has been covered before. Galactus is a force of nature, not an evil entity. But Beta Ray Bill disagrees, and so do all the Korbanites that were allegedly killed in the Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill mini. So Bill sets off to get some revenge and put an end to Galactus' planet eating ways once and for all. Despite warnings from Thor that going after Galactus is a bad idea, Bill will not be swayed, and sets off with Scuttlebutt. After doing Agent Brand of S.W.O.R.D. a favor and taking out Voidian, Bill apparently takes all his planet destroying equipment, and instead of destroying it, uses it to his own ends.
The art in this book by Kano is pretty good, and though his style is not my favorite, it is servicable. One of my favorite panels is the full page arrival of Galactus which shockingly puts his sheer size into perspective.

This story arc is moving Bill along a path that may take him into uncharted territory: mainly, will his need for revenge push him over the edge, and if it does, who could stop him? I am very interested in seeing where this story goes, and so far it looks like we are in for a heck of a ride.
Bonus: Mjolnir Update!

Mjolnir is still in a state of disrepair, and Thor mentions he is not 100%. Though apparently he is still able to switch places with Dr. Don Blake. I haven't been keeping up with Thor on a monthly basis, so I'm guessing this has been covered in that book already.
yeah, I thought this book was spectacular.
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