Kieron Gillen better be careful. If issue #3 of this series gets as exponentially more awesome as #2 did from the first issue, it will collapse in on itself and comic book shops around the globe will be consumed in the blinding flash of an awesomeness-singularity. But enough hyperbole.
In all seriousness, this story is pushing the character of Beta Ray Bill into new territory. It is a very welcome development to have an arguably second (or even third) string character, who for many years sat on the sidelines and was only included as a back-up to Thor or to add flair to a cosmic story, become fleshed out in such shocking and awe-inspiring ways. This story is more than just pushing the cosmic peices around the board, it is adding layers of personality to them. Stardust is a zealot. Silver Surfer seems to be resigned to the fact that he is a pawn of Galactus. And Bill himself may be losing his grip on reality.
I found the events of this issue to be shocking, but in a good way. Gillen is taking a big risk with this story, and so far it is paying off. Also, some of Bill's comments throw into question the events of the end of the Stormbreaker saga. I think these are important story elements that need to be addressed and have been igored for a long time. I know I am being extremely vague on the details, but I do not want to spoil this issue. Go read it yourself and be amazed.
I also really liked the reappearance of the I'than aliens that Bill saved last issue. They provided a very interesting twist, and I would like to see more of them in the future.
Kano's art has improved in this installment as well, the copious amounts of action depicted in a very dynamic way, and the serious parts represented with the visual weight they deserved. Not to mention a two page spread of Galactus in full beat-down mode!
All in all, another great issue. I can't wait to see how this ends. And I hope Marvel taps Gillen's talents again for further adventures of everyone's favorite horse-faced Norse god-like Scion of the Korbanites. (a.k.a. Beta Ray Bill)