Straight from the
blog of Kieron Gillen himself, Marvel has officially canceled
S.W.O.R.D. after 5 issues. I am, of course, saddened by this news, as I was enjoying the title very much. This news is made worse by the timing, basically cutting off the series before it even has a chance to get going. Perhaps there wasn't enough Wolverine in the series...

It is a shame, as there aren't enough really unique comics like this one out there (at least not at the Big Two) I hope in the future, Marvel can at least bring these characters back for another round, be it mini-series or some other format.
I personally blame Beast for sucking. I miss Beast circa pre-cat Beast. X-Factor Beast was awesome! 90's Beast also very good! Love struck, sad panda, cat-Beast makes me want to cry for what happened to him. Thanks for the awesome issues of S.W.O.R.D. though! Lockheed is just too much awesome for an ongoing series!
I tend to agree about "sad panda cat-Beast", But I liked him in Astonishing X-Men, and the rest of the cast was fantastic!
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