As you may or may not know, after the events of Siege wrap up the current myriad of Avengers titles will axed. Dark, New, Mighty, Initiative; they will all be finished to make way for an Avengers reboot, as well as a new attitude in the major titles at Marvel dubbed "The Heroic Age." Marvel has slowly been revealing the Avengers line-up for the relaunch, and so far I like it. Here is
the link to Newsarama detailing the roster so far.
Tony Stark: Iron Man!

Finally, Clint Barton back in the purple Hawkeye costume.

Looks like the Bucky Cap. I am ok with this, I'm just wondering what is going to happen to Steve Rogers.


So far, so good. Rumor has it that Thor is also going to be on this team. I am looking forward to the new #1 issue.
I request no Wolverine, no Spider-Man, no Luke Cage, and no Iron Fist. I would be willing to except Luke Cage and Iron Fist IF it was Power Man and Iron Fist buddies cops forever style. But no more street clothes, over-powered, whiny jerk Luke Cage. He can be retired forever! SWEET CHRISTMAS!
Luke Cage is gonna be in the new Thunderbolts! With the Juggernaut!
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