Once again, another solid issue by Christos Gage, who just seems to get what it is that makes a team of villains work. Think about this, if you will: 'Who is the better leader, Captain America or Norman Osborn?' Now, I know this seems like an easy answer, but think about it for a minute. Cap most famously led the Avengers, a group of heroes who, while they all had their individual personality quirks, were all heroes and all generally were working towards the same goal. On the other side, we have Osborn who is leading a group of villains, who were all forced onto the Thunderbolts team by the government and are all trying to benefit themselves at whatever the cost to their teammates. And in issue #124, Osborn leads the team magnificently, even getting the craziest of the kooks (Bullseye and Venom) to work together.
I argue further that Osborn is perfectly trained for this assignment, as he was the head of a powerful corporate entity for many years (OsCorp), while in his spare time, kept himself busy killing Peter Parker's girlfriend and throwing exploding pumpkins around. Talk about an overachiever.
My favorite moments from this issue:
1) "Well, that was surprisingly therapeutic."
- The aforementioned Osborn, after manically gunning down 4 or 5 Skrulls disguised as Spider-man
2) Radioactive Man needing to take a trip into space to explode a little...WHRAKA-THOOOM!
3) Swordsman's sister...well, that was fun while it lasted...
4) The look of pure joy on Bullseye's face in this panel:

I can't recommend this title enough. As Bullseye would say, "You're sick, I can respect that."
Quick reminder, vote in the poll if you haven't already, and keep an eye out for a new one at the end of the week!