Today, I would like to throw down the gauntlet. I can't take it anymore. You think you know something, and then all of a sudden, it is like none of that matters. What I am referring to, specifically, are the rules surrounding of the weapons of Thor and Beta Ray Bill, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker respectively. Do they exist? Are the rules there to be broken? Do the writers not know what they are talking about? Frankly, I'm getting a little peeved. You'd think enchanted hammers would be more reliable than this...
In SI: Thor #2, we see that the Skrulls have taken Stormbreaker and cut it in half, welded sword blades to it, and gave it to their genetically modified god-killer super-skrull. We know that Stormbreaker is the same as Mjolnir. It is made of Uru metal, which is particular to Asgard and is like a magical sponge. Also, it needs to be forged in the core of a star. I 'd like to see the tech the Skrulls are using, because if they have a tool than can surgically slice forged Uru metal, we are all doomed.
Other than that little quirk, this issue is top-notch, as we get to see the Asgardians battle savagely against the invading army, and anytime there are many a Skrull split in twain, mine heart rejoices!
I also picked up The Age of The Sentry, which is a fantastic book done in the Silver-age style. The art and over-

Upcoming, I will attempt to organize my comic collection, a mighty undertaking if ever there was. I will update periodically to tell of my progress and to share any gems I might find buried in the Longboxes of Doom. Wish me luck.
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