Monday, September 22, 2008

Made from a Vibranium/Sugar Alloy...

Last Saturday I went to a birthday party for the fantastic proprietor of Charging Star Comics, and my wife, being awesome, decided to make cookies. But not just any cookies. Behold!

The Cap shield cookies are sugar cookies colored with homemade icing, and the star in center is another cookie! The Bat-cookies are peanut butter chocolate sugar cookies with chocolate drizzled on them. Most importantly they were extremely yummy. Maybe I will ask for Mjolnir shaped cookies in the future....


dan said...

Awesome cookies! Nice job Holly. I'm trying to think of other superhero icons that would be delectable in cookie form... hmm.. I know a juggernaut helmet cookie filled with magical sugar crystals inside!

J. Campbell-Smith said...

They were SO yummy.