I don't remember specifically how I stumbled upon Robot 13, but I am sure glad that I did. I took a chance on this quirky looking series and was richly rewarded.
In three issues, creators Thomas Hall (writer) and Daniel Bradford (art) of Blacklist Studios have managed to introduce one of the most unique and interesting characters in comics since Hellboy. The comparisons to Hellboy don't stop stop there either, (and that isn't a bad thing) but while the art and feel can seem Mignola-esque, this isn't a one note rip-off.
Book 1, Colossus!, which is comprised of three issues, has managed to set up an intriguing world that blends myth and reality. The true genius of the book is that the world, while still mysterious in it's true nature, is already rich with details that set it apart from any other setting we've seen. And that all of this has been done with epic fight scenes and relatively sparse dialogue is truly astounding. This is visual storytelling at its best.
When we first meet our hero, Robot 13, he is introduced by immediately leaping into battle worthy of Clash of the Titans (the original). We soon find out he is suffering from amnesia, and being a skull in a robot suit doesn't really lend itself to easy explanations.
The series has successfully combined big time action, mystery, humor, science fiction and Greek mythology to weave quite a tapestry of an epic tale. Robot 13 is what a good comic should be, and you should stop reading my review of it go out and read it.

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