Read the
Sif one-shot this week. Good solid effort on both writing and art by Kelly Sue Deconnick and Ryan Stegman respectively. It is completely ok, not mind blowing. Honestly, with an appearance by Beta Ray Bill and the title being Sif, I expected much more butt-kicking. And there is
some, but I was expecting full bore face-kicking action. Then there is the situation where Sif gets to meet Bill's new squeeze, which could have been much more awkward, interesting, character developing, but instead is quickly brushed aside to get to the plot. In fact, having Sif say the word 'awkward', doesn't make it so.
And then there is the stock plot, interesting but underdeveloped villain, and basically a lack of epic-ness. And really, that is what I was expecting, and maybe that is my fault for demanding so much from this one-shot.
Not enough Beta Ray Bill yelling and smashing for my taste. Oh right it was about Lady Sif. Still not enough Beta Ray Bill. I really want a Beta Ray Bill ongoing series or a steady release of mini series done in the style of the early-mid 90's Silver Surfer. I loved that style of Cosmic story telling. And I think Beta Ray Bill space-opera would do well!
He sure is making a lot of guest appearances recently! A series of mini-series would be awesome, like they did with Venom in the 90's.
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