Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Longest Running Monthly Comic Series...

..according to Wikipedia is Detective Comics. Uninterrupted since 1937. This in response to a discussion today at Charging Star Comics. Now, and interesting wrinkle. You may be saying to yourself, "But Action Comics is at a higher number than Detective." According to Wikipedia:

Action Comics is the second-longest running DC Comics series after Detective Comics; however, it cannot claim to have had an uninterrupted run, due in large part to two separate occasions on which the title was put on a three-month hiatus.

In 1988, DC Comics tried unsuccessfully to return the format of the comic to an anthology and publish it on a weekly basis. After May, 1988's landmark issue #600, issues #601-605 all bore August cover dates.[5] The Action Comics Weekly experiment lasted only until the beginning of March 1989, however, and after a short break, July's issue #643 brought the title back onto a monthly schedule.[5] (However, the temporarily increased frequency of issues allowed Action to further surpass the older Detective Comics in the number of individual issues published. It originally passed Detective Comics in the 1970s when that series was bi-monthly for a number of years.)

Unfortunately, this magnificent 72 year unbroken run will come to a end next month:

In 2008, DC announced that Detective Comics will be going "on hiatus" in 2009 as part of a planned reorganization of the Batman universe.[2] The title will return in June and will feature the new Batwoman.

Thus, there is no longer an unbroken monthly comic. Thanks a lot Dan Didio. My prediction: Batman will be back starring in Detective Comics in 6 months, Batwoman will not last due to lack of sales. And all this hoopla will have been for nothing.

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