Monday, February 16, 2009

Odin's blood...

The 'Watch Instantly' feature on Netflix has eaten much of my brain. Between The Office, 30 Rock, and Sliders, (yes, Sliders...) well, let's just say it's like a time machine that sucks away years of your life. Kind of like in The Princess Bride, but without the screaming.

And now...COMICS!

Thor #600:

I always hate it when they start renumbering a series and then reset the numbering, especially when they do it right as a milestone issue comes out. Do I cry foul? A little. It seems like cheating, or at least short-sightedness. You really didn't know that in 10 issues it would be #600? I doubt that. You all just wanted a new #1 First Collector's Issue! It all starts here! Again! And then a few months later...#600 Milestone! OMG!
All that numbering crap aside, I hadn't been following the new Thor series at all, but #600 seems like a good jumping on point. The action is awesome and the deviousness of Loki is particularly cruel in this instance. Tricking someone into killing their grandfather is hardcore evil. Plus, it all ties into the Dark Reign arc, and isn't forced or unnatural. The backup story was pretty lame, and the reprints are just there, take them or leave them, but the Mini Marvels feature was hilarious, I always like those.

Mjolnir Watch: Apparently, in order to defeat the father of Odin, you got to break a few eggs, or Enchanted Hammers. Yikes!This...cannot be good.

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